Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to be a BEAUTIFUL skinny B*tch and catch your man in a LIE

Today was a great day.  I went shopping with my daughter to the book store.  I had some gift cards left over from Christmas time, so I wanted to check out what they had.  I bought myself three new books.  I LOVE reading.....that is why I say I am a little bit NERDY!

The first book I got was:
This book looks pretty cool because it is full of beauty tips and secrets.  Don't worry....I will be sharing all the good stuff with you guys!

The second book I picked was:
I really wanted this book for sometime now, because I heard that it was really good and informative.  I am already a B*tch....I just need to work on the "skinny" part.

Last but not least:
 My personal favorite of the bunch, because it teaches you the how to tell if some one is telling a lie.  It teaches you the strategies that the FBI and U.S. military use to detect a persons thoughts and feelings.  Yay!! I am excited to read this one.

I promise to keep you guys posted on my thoughts about the books.  Until next time......Thanks for visiting my blog and supporting me.

Dirty Flirty

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