Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today's weight loss tip~If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you will look thinner.

Today's weight loss tip~If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you will look thinner.

I have always struggled with my weight.  I lose twenty pounds---gain thirty. Lose ten---gain five back.!!!  Ugh....it is so frustrating.  I have probably done just about EVERY fad diet out there.  I have tried diet pills, hormones, fitness equipment, weigh watchers, gym memberships, crash diets, low calorie diets, and the list goes on and on.  
I know how to lose weight:  Eat Less and Move more.  The problem is I work so hard and do not see the results quick enough, so I get discouraged and quit.

Losing weight is about a life style change...I would suggest to start out with simple changes, for example: if you drink pop---cut it out of your diet or switch to diet pop.  Try to take a walk after dinner or do some kind of exercise for 30 minutes everyday. 

Whatever you do....DO NOT GIVE UP. Doing something is better than doing nothing!


  1. dirty i was wondering what i can do for fat cells...do u have anything that will help me

  2. well i have a story to tell u dirty.i have a girlfriend who thinks im fat.i try to work out but it was not good enough for her can u help

  3. get a new girlfriend or buy her junk food and fatten her up, so you will appear thin
