Friday, February 11, 2011

Dis-Owned = Adoption

I am new to this whole "disowning people" thing.  As of yesterday, I was officially dis-owned for the first time ever.  What the heck does that even mean?  Does that mean that now I am up for adoption?  If I knew that you could dis-own people--- I would have dis-owned many people a long time ago.  I could have dis-owned all my ex-boyfriends, but oh well.  I guess you learn something new every day.  Well, anyways some day I will blog about how I became dis-owned.....maybe when I get some more followers so that I know I am not talking/blogging to myself.  I guess the real question is since I am disowned, does anybody want to adopt me?

Until next time.....behave so you do not end up like me...DIS-OWNED.