Monday, February 28, 2011

Pee Pee Cock

I love peacocks--I am obsessed with them.  Anytime I find anything to do with peacocks, I have to buy it.  I collect all peacock items.  The other day when I went to Walgreens I saw this awesome bag, so naturally I had to buy it.  I paid $9.99 for it, but I love it!!

It must be my lucky week, because I found this peacock shirt at Kohl's on clearance for $7.00.
 Here is a picture of the detail on the shirt:
 I love peacocks SO much that I even got one on my back:

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Watch out everyone  there is an emergency in progress!  A Chocolate Emergency!!  Good thing I picked up one of these candy bars when I was out shopping yesterday.  I bought this at 
TJ MAX for $1.99. 

The bad new is I only bought one.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

These ain't your Granny's Panties!!

I bought these from TJ MAX for $2.99.

FYI:  These are NOT JEANS.  They are underwear.  LOL....I LOVE them so much!!  I can not wait to wear them.

I also bought this really pretty purse for $25.00
Here is a close up of the bling
TJ MAX is a great place to find CRAZY items at reasonable prices.  They also have the BEST shoes!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Samples---Go get them!!

I found this sample yesterday at Walgreens, and I thought it was pretty cool so I wanted to share it with you all.  I have yet to try this foundation, but wanted to pick this up because I think it is a GREAT idea and tons of samples.  The foundation is by Maybelline and it is called FITME.

What I like about this, is once you match your color and get your foundation number,  they have other products to correspond with your personal number (such as blush)It is easy to match your foundation color because they give you a sample of  EVERY COLOR!

Look at all of the samples you get!!  It is a perfect way to find your color from the privacy of your own home. After I pick my color and try this foundation, I will let you know my opinion on it.  I will give a complete review of the product.  In the mean time, go get your free samples----and it comes with a coupon for $1 off!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I want a "HINY HIDER"

OMG!!!  What a great idea for a product, a "Hiny Hider".  I know that I have a rather large Hiny and would love to hide it sometimes.  

Too bad I am not talking about an AWESOME beauty product that promises to make your lower half look slimmer.  I am talking about a great thing that I found in the Women's Restroom.
I wanted to get a picture of this funny thing, so I went where NO MAN AS EVER GONE BEFORE.....into the women's restroom.  I even brought along my camera (creepy right?), so I could get the perfect picture.

Still wondering what the heck im talking about???

It is the lock of the door in the stall......LOL....That is the funniest thing ever.  What a clever name!!  Yes, I was laughing my hiny off while in the stall looking at the lock, but the good thing is---this product hiny was hidden the whole time.  I promise.

p.s.--It is so cute that they made the H look like a stall.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You WANNA read THIS!!

I guess I have been crabby lately. (Disclaimer:  You are only getting MY version of the events, I am 100% sure my boyfriend has a whole different version that probably involves me nagging).

One day, I felt that I had a great reason to be crabby.  That particular day, I woke up with a stomach ache and knew I could NOT afford to be sick since I had an important exam to take the next day.  

When I got up, I could not stand that the sink was full of dishes and laundry was all piled up.  I was feeling overwhelmed because I really needed to study.  I also had to be sure that I picked up my kids from school and I wanted to go to the store to get some theraflu.  

When I walked into my trashed out living room, I saw my wonderful boyfriend laying on the couch watching his first of FOUR movies that he rented I was instantly pissed.  When I tried to ask him for help around the house, he was too focused on the dumb TV to listen to me. With my list of chores, kids, studying, and everything else the only thing I wanted was Theraflu and a fricken nap.  I guess that was TOO MUCH to ask.  

I knew I was going to be irritated if I stayed home, so I left.  In my pajama pants, messy hair, and winter gear--I headed out the door.  I went to the store and bought theraflu and something for me to eat.  Then I went and parked my car at my kids school and studied for 3 hours with no distractions.

The next day, I felt 100% better....I must of had a 24 hour thing.  When my boyfriend came home from work, he put this on the table for me. 
WTF!!!  Cramp tabs???  Knuckle Bandages???  I mean is he for real???  Can't I be crabby and sick?....Does it have to be PMS!!??....Well, if that is what he thinks---whatever but I think I am gonna need a bigger PAD!!  At least he got wings on the band-aids.  I swear I will never understand MEN!!

Dirty little secret:  The band-aids were for him...he cut himself at work.  I guess he got the cramp tabs at work too (he works with women). Since they all were in his same pocket, he gave them all to me.  I guess that solves the mystery on why he gave me band-aids......

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shake what ya Mama Gave ya!

Shake what ya mama gave ya---and my mama gave me A!  I guess.....If you got it, or even if you don't got it FLAUNT IT!

Belly dancing is so much FUN!  I take belly dance classes off and on--I can not wait until the weather gets better, so I can start taking classes again.  If you ever get a chance to try it--you should!  

Belly dancing is a great work-out, and let's face it the costumes are beautiful. Belly dancing is all about being sexy in your own skin.  You DO NOT have to be a super skinny super model to do belly dancing.   

I am still in the process of learning and love every minute of it.  Here are some pictures of me.  Disclaimer: I am not a professional belly dancer---I just pretend to be.  Also, I am probably breaking EVERY belly dance costuming rule.  I am wearing a Goodwill Belt on my head for crying out loud!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

I spent TOO much

I am in love with MAKE-UP!!
I love MAC Make-up and I know it is expensive.  One area that I will spend more on is a great Foundation and concealer.  As I mentioned before in my other post,  I love Mac's concealer.  

I also love the Studio Tech Foundation.  It is a full coverage cream make-up.  This foundation costs $29.50, but it lasts a long time.  Just a little bit really does go a long way.  You can order it online, or get it at your local MAC make-up counter.  I suggest going to the the make-up counter when spending money on a foundation, that way they can help match you to a correct color.  FYI: You can also return it and exchange it for a new color if it is not right.
 Another great foundation option is Revlon's ColorStay.  This foundation costs about $10.50, and can be purchased anywhere Revlon is sold.  I got mine at Walmart and it was priced at  $10.24.  This foundation comes in different formulas for different skin types and it also has a great range of natural skin tone colors to choose from.  Here is a picture of my bottle....(sorry it is all dirty...I use this foundation often, because it is cheaper than MAC).

You can make any foundation look flawless by using a great face primer.  A primer is applied to your skin BEFORE the foundation.  A great primer will make your skin feel smooth like silk.  Having a great smooth base is important to making the foundation look perfect.  

I am not too picky on my face primers.  In the past I have used department store primers and drug store primers......and I honestly did not see much of a difference except the price tag.  Cheaper is better in my opinion, so my current primer I am using is called Hard Candy Sheer Envy.  This primer is light weight,and gives my skin a wonderful smooth finish.  I paid around $8.00 for it, but it came with a free lip gloss!!  I love free things!!  Walmart carries the Hard Candy brand.
Wearing a powder over your foundation is also important to keep your foundation in place.  I am not recommending any powders, because I use any powder.  In my make-up collection I have Covergirl, MAC, Max Factor, Revlon, Clinique,  and many more brands.  There is not one that stands out as being better than the other ones. 

Another key to making a foundation look perfect, is having a great setting spray.  Currently I am using Urban Decay's All Nighter Setting Spray.  The bottle states that it will make your make-up stay on for up to 16 hours.  I do not think that is totally true, but I do see a HUGE difference when I use this product.  If I am going to be going out dancing or for special occasions, I make sure I use this.  All you do is mist in on your face after you apply all of your make-up and your good to go.  It doesn't just help with helps with all your make-up.  It was perfect for Halloween when I was concerned with keeping my make-up on.  This product runs around $30, I think it was $29 to be exact.  You can get this at ULTA, or online.  I ordered mine online and I got to choose a bunch of free samples.  I have had mine for over 6 months and still have 1/2 a bottle.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So Bad, but So Good

Fast Food should come with a WARNING!
It is SO BAD, but SO GOOD!

Ok, so I am starting my new diet tomorrow...I swear.  But before I officially start, I am bidding a final farewell to Fast Food. I will be sharing with you my five favorite fast food items.  To make it fun, I am only going to pick ONE item from each place.

1.  Arby's-- Bronco Berry Sauce 
This item is FREE!!  I put this on everything that I order at Arby's from roast beef,  market fresh sandwiches, to curly fries.  I am really not sure what this sauce is really used for or how I discovered it.  This sauce is AMAZING!  I made my cousin try it yesterday and she LOVED it!!  It is so good.

2.  Mc Donalds--Sweet Tea 
This item is only $1 for a huge giant cup.  This is my favorite drink and especially in the summer time.Warning: this tea is VERY SWEET, but I happen to love sweet things.

3.  Burger King-- Whopper Jr w/Cheese
This item is around a $1, I think they may charge a little extra to add the cheese!!  This is a classic.  I only like it with added cheese.  Yummy!

4.  Taco Bell-- Beefy 5-layer burrito
This item is only 89 cents!!  They also have a value meal option for $2....that includes a small bag of doritos and a drink of your choice.  If you like taco bell's food, you should really try this item.

5.  Wendy's-- Sour cream and chive baked potato
This item is $1!  The picture does not show the sour cream, but I feel that the sour cream is the best part!!

Well, there you have it!!!  My 5 favorite Fast food items....I am so hungry just looking at all these yummy pictures.

Here is a bonus treat:  Wendy's Chocolate Frosty!!!  I wish I had one right now :(

Here is a picture of me stuffing my face with some yummy french fries.....LOL

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Out with the old.....In with the new.  Here is a picture of my old ear muffs (which were my daughter's old ones, but she gave them to me).  I am always cold and I love to wear ear muffs.  It is amazing  how just keeping your ears warm it heats up your whole entire body. These black ones are warm, but they itch me because the silver speckles are plastic streamers and they itch.
Old Ear Muffs
I got these ear muffs at Target for $2.00!!

 My favorite part of the ear muffs is the cute little tassels.  
It was totally worth the $2.00.

Friday, February 18, 2011

One Dolla makes ME Holla

Look at all the GOODIES I got at the dollar store!!

1. elf-Minty Lip Gloss- (color-los angeles)
2. elf-Minty Lip Gloss- (color-houston)
3. Maybelline Cool Effect eye shadow- (color-Ice Princess)
4. Maybelline Cool Effect eye shadow- (color-Cold As Ice)
5.  Maybelline Cool Effect eye shadow- (color-Chill The Champagne)
6. N.Y.C. Color Wheel Mosaic Bronzing Powder- (color- Heart of Gold )
7. N.Y.C. Color Wheel Mosaic Bronzing Powder- (color-Peach Glow) 

I have not gotten a chance to try all of the above products yet, but I did wear the elf lip gloss to school the other day.  Here is a picture of my
wearing elf Minty lip gloss in "Los angeles"

This elf lip gloss is a new formula.  When I first put it on my lips they tingled and it smelled like mint.  I think it is pretty neat that they combined shiny lip gloss with minty freshness.  Because this lip gloss is cheap...(only $1), it is ok if you lose it which makes it perfect for taking with you places.  So far, I really like this lip gloss. 
The Mabelline Cool Effect shadows are great because they go on wet, so that means they are easy to blend.  I also love to use these shadows as bases....(for under powder eye shadows) help the powder eye shadows stay on longer.
Remember:  Just because something is cheap...(dollar store item), it doesn't mean it is crappy.  I find many great items at my local dollar stores for a fraction of the price that other stores are selling it for.

Thursday, February 17, 2011



GTL was made famous by the reality show "Jersey Shore".....they follow that routine on Sundays to stay "fresh looking".  Being a mother, I can not relate to that saying-------so I made up my own!!!!  I do THIS every single day not just on I am sure other mothers can relate to

G-Get Kids ready

Anyways, The Jersey Shore TV show is on tonight, and that is one of my favorite shows.  Here are some funny pictures of me dressed as Snooki for Halloween. I even won some money in a costume competition!!! 

Snooki Slippers
GDL baby!! All day everyday!!!!  I will be Getting kids ready, Doing all the DISHES, and Laundry laundry up to the sky.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Drink Naked in Rainbow Socks

Yesterday I went to my Biology Class, which is a very interesting class.  I am confused because our labs are not matching our lectures or the chapters that we are supposed to read in the book.  Oh well....we have a test coming up, and I feel that I am not prepared for it.  Enough about school............  Here is a picture of my!   I love these boot (they are so warm).  I swear I wear them like every single day.  I got them at Kohls for $50.00.  (they are dirty because of all the yucky dirty snow).  Rainbow socks are fun!!!

Rainbow earrings are fun too!!....But, not as much fun as the rainbow socks.  Here is a secret: the rainbow socks that I am wearing are "toe socks"....which means they fit every toe (think gloves and fingers).....which is kinda creepy to me.  I put my picture into a "paint" effect thing and it looks

Here is a picture of my FAVORITE bottled water.....Fiji.  This is my snack that I brought to class with me.  I am trying to eat more healthy.

I found this next drink by accident at D&W grocery store.  I LOVE it!!  It is soooo good, and good for you too.  They are $3 each, or right now they have a sale 2 for $5.  I have tried the strawberry banana one and it is great.  The name is AWESOME!!!  Naked.......oh yeah!
If you like smoothie type drinks, you should try to drink naked wearing rainbow socks!!  Sounds like the perfect plan to me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Forgotten on Valentine's Day

          Yesterday, my boyfriend called me from his job and asked me "what I was going to make for dinner?"  He was soooo hungry and wanted to be sure that I was cooking because he was very hungry.  My response was "Oh that is sooooo sweet that you are going to take me and my kids out for a Valentine's Day Dinner."......before he could even respond to me, I kept going on and on about how he called me from work to tell my about a special Valentine's Day dinner. I tricked him into taking me out for dinner...yay!

          We ended up going out the eat at a local place in town called Russ'.  I ordered Monterey chicken and a baked potato with sour cream, and that is when the trouble started!

          Of course, the place was packed because it was Valentine's Day but we didn't care.  After we got a table we sat down and ordered our food.  LOL....I started coloring a picture (the back of the kiddie menu) I did not realize that we were waiting for quite a long time.  I guess I was pretty focused on my art work.  I did notice that many people who sat at tables around us were already done eating, and they got there after us.  45 minutes later, my boyfriend said something to a waitress, and guess what?....We were forgotten on Valentine's Day!  They forgot us.  After he spoke to the waitress our food came to our table in record time.  They forgot my sour cream...(not that I really need that extra fat), my boyfriend was missing his honey mustard and his mayo....that he asked for.  Ugh...we were getting really frustrated with the service,by time we got our food the restaurant was not even busy anymore.  I did not think it could get any worse, but that is when my boyfriend took a huge bite of his BURNT hamburger.  That was it!!  We had has enough.  After speaking to a manager, he ended up with getting a fresh new hamburger (that was not burnt).

They felt so bad that we were forgotten that they gave us our entire meals for free.  They also made sure that we ordered desserts all FOR FREE!!

Since we were there for such a long time...we decided to take our desserts to go.

What started out as a BAD dinner---ended up as a GOOD dinner because FREE is GOOD!