Monday, March 28, 2011

Gobble Gobble

I opened my door to take the kids to school this morning and saw 3 huge turkeys.  They were on my funny.  Anyways, I tried to get a picture of them but by time I got my camera they were in the parking lot.  Sorry my picture sucks.
 Today I found out that my car will cost $300 to fix....ugh I really don't wanna spend that much but I need my car.  I have trouble with the sway bar and now I found out that I have a oil leak.  Today is not starting out very good.....I hope it gets better.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Flirty's Beauty

It's time again for some of my favorite beauty products.  I hope you all enjoy them and get a chance to try them out.

1.  Blow Silk---Use this product to make nasty damaged hair look smooth and pretty!!!  It smells really yummy too!!!

 2.  Noxzema---I really like the way noxzema feels cool on the skin.
 3.  Loreal Voluminous Mascara---Suggested by one of my viewers.  I thought I tried it before, but it must have been a different mascara because this stuff is AMAZING!!!  It is my new favorite mascara.  Thanks to whomever suggested this product!
4.  Garnier Fructis triple nutrition shampoo and conditioner--- I have been using this shampoo and conditioner to give my hair a break from Pantene.  I still love Pantene products but this makes my hair feel like it is getting an extra boost of oils.
 5.  Burts Bees Lip Balm---  My FAVORITE chap stick ever.  It is all natural and makes your lips feel smooth.  I use it as a base before I put my lipstick or lip gloss on.  It has a great taste.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Free MONEY at Walmart

Today I went to Walmart with my daughter and I noticed a guy who looked all stressed out.  He was pacing around the front of the store.  I stopped to look at the chickens, and the guy approached me.  He said that he was sorry to bother me and this was the most embarrassing thing he ever had to do...he explained that he was running on fumes and Walmart would not cash his check and he only had three dollars.  He needed gas and had quite a ways to go.  He asked me if I had any spare change.  He said I will show you my check and my id....whatever.  Anyways, I gave him $10.  So......Free money at Walmart!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sorry I haven't updated this blog for a couple days.  I have been really busy this past week-end.  One thing that I did that I LOVE to do is go the the used clothing stores.  Here are some of the great treasures that I found on my last shopping trip (just a few of my favorite finds).
1.  Hot Pink High Heels $5.00---What girl doesn't need some fancy hot pink heels???

 2.  Wood Ball Purse---hahahaha so ugly that it is CUTE!!! $3.00
 3.  Victoria's Secret Pj's---Sooo cute and in perfect condition.  Top---$2.50 Pants---$2.50
 4.  A rock and roll Nut Cracker---$3.00 (yes it really works)
 5.  Cats wearing High Heels pajama pants.  $2.50---these are for my cousin who loves cats, high heels, and the color PINK.....puuuuurrrrrrrr-fect

6.  A funny face cup.  40 cents!....I need this to drink my green tea!!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Just PINCH me aleady

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I hope everyone is wearing GREEN today, because if your not your bound to get pinched. 
As I type this blog, I am not wearing GREEN, so I am waiting for some body to come along to pinch me.  I thought this was supposed to be a LUCKY day?  So far today has not been very lucky---still no pinches for me!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guys are like toilets, most are occupied and the rest are full of shit.

Guys are like toilets, most are occupied and the rest are full of shit. (thank goodness I am prepared)

All women have those days when they just wanna "MAN HATE".....(you know it's true ladies).  I know it is mean and I am sorry if there are any men that read this blog.  

Today is a "MAN HATER" day for me.  (maybe my period is coming...yup, I am blaming PMS)

Few women admit their ages... few men act theirs

Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes and it is our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something we'd like to have dinner with.

Men are like fish. Neither would get into trouble if they only kept their mouths shut!

Diamonds are a girl's best friend... Dogs are a mans best friend... Now, who's the smarter sex?
 Men are like high heels. They're easy to walk on once you get the hang of it.

Ok, that was fun....and I feel better!!  
Thanks for stopping by my blog. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Turn up the HEAT!!

I love heating pads and heating blankets.  I sleep with at least one of them EVERY night.  I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep....I feel that the heat is comforting and soothing.

 I really like the sunbeam heating pads.  As far as heating blankets go, I prefer a "throw" blanket that is made of a soft material.  I have broken a million heating think I over use them.  

Dirty little secret:  I already broken my heating blanket I got for Christmas and had to buy another one (that didn't take long).


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Coochy for FREE!!! Yeah BABY!!

Hoochie Coochy

Yesterday I went to a pure romance party, and had SO much fun.  We had to bring a banana for a game, so on my way to the party I had to stop at Meijers.  

I wish I had my camera with me because in my cart was a bunch of bananas (that I fondled to make sure I got the Longest, Firmest one), A huge bottle of my favorite liquor Bacardi Dragon berry, and a 2-liter of Mountain Dew.

Believe me....I KNOW how to pick a BANANA.

Here is a recipe for the BEST drink EVER BacardSKI!!!

Bacardi Dragon Berry
Mountain Dew (the dewski)

Mix together and get drunk FAST!!!

Anyways, at the party we played games and I won a FREE COOCHY!!!  YAY!!  Im so excited, because I never had a coochy before.  I get to try one, and I didn't even have to pay.
Shaving cream for your lady parts
*if you dont know what Pure Romance is a sex toy they sell other things too!!
I bought this:
Shimmertime Shimmering Body Cream

Yes, I know I am LAME I bought make-up at a sex toy party......wat a loser....LOL....just kidding.  I wanted so much stuff that Im hosting my own party in a few weeks.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hooter Obsession

My mom sent me a link to this AWESOME website that shows a live web cam.  The web cam shows a live feed of a Owl family.  You get to watch a mom and dad care for their little baby owls.  I am such a NERD, because im addicted and obsessed with this site.  At night it is REALLY cool to watch because they dad hunts and drops animals (mice, rabbits, gophers) the house for the babies to eat.

Here is the link:

Happy hooter watching!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to be a BEAUTIFUL skinny B*tch and catch your man in a LIE

Today was a great day.  I went shopping with my daughter to the book store.  I had some gift cards left over from Christmas time, so I wanted to check out what they had.  I bought myself three new books.  I LOVE reading.....that is why I say I am a little bit NERDY!

The first book I got was:
This book looks pretty cool because it is full of beauty tips and secrets.  Don't worry....I will be sharing all the good stuff with you guys!

The second book I picked was:
I really wanted this book for sometime now, because I heard that it was really good and informative.  I am already a B*tch....I just need to work on the "skinny" part.

Last but not least:
 My personal favorite of the bunch, because it teaches you the how to tell if some one is telling a lie.  It teaches you the strategies that the FBI and U.S. military use to detect a persons thoughts and feelings.  Yay!! I am excited to read this one.

I promise to keep you guys posted on my thoughts about the books.  Until next time......Thanks for visiting my blog and supporting me.

Dirty Flirty

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today's weight loss tip~If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you will look thinner.

Today's weight loss tip~If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you will look thinner.

I have always struggled with my weight.  I lose twenty pounds---gain thirty. Lose ten---gain five back.!!! is so frustrating.  I have probably done just about EVERY fad diet out there.  I have tried diet pills, hormones, fitness equipment, weigh watchers, gym memberships, crash diets, low calorie diets, and the list goes on and on.  
I know how to lose weight:  Eat Less and Move more.  The problem is I work so hard and do not see the results quick enough, so I get discouraged and quit.

Losing weight is about a life style change...I would suggest to start out with simple changes, for example: if you drink pop---cut it out of your diet or switch to diet pop.  Try to take a walk after dinner or do some kind of exercise for 30 minutes everyday. 

Whatever you do....DO NOT GIVE UP. Doing something is better than doing nothing!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Had too much fun last night.  Here is a sneak peak of a picture of me from the club.
I can not believe I am going to post this next picture, but I want to show you what I look like without make-up on.  Make-up is a magical thing......LOL
p.s.  I hope it didn't scare you!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Attack of the Closet

I must be getting old.  Instead of  going out on a Friday night, I decide to start a project of cleaning my closet.  BIG MISTAKE!!  I had clothes everywhere.  At one point, I was tangled up in about 3 shirts and gobs of hangers.  Note: This is not how messy my closet was, I decided to take all the clothes out first and then clean/sort.
It was horrible....I almost did not survive.  I was trying to organize the clothes by color and make sure all the hangers were black, but I gave up on that.
This was NOT a fun time at all.  I found tons of clothes with tags still on  (That I never wore).  I am going out tomorrow night---and I have NOTHING to wear!!  It is really sad.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chocolate FLOATS on a BOAT

My daughter made special treat and would like me to share her recipe with everyone:

1 Banana
peanut butter
hersey's kisses

1.  Peel banana and cut the length of the banana to make two pieces
2.  Spread peanut butter on to both banana pieces
3.  Place hersey kisses on top of peanut butter

Yummy!!!  I tasted it and it was AMAZING!  Who knew a 10 year old kid could make such a wonderful treat??

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sheer cover is the make-up you see on T.V., ya know...late at night when you can't seem to get to sleep.  I ordered it before and loved it, but I HATE that you have to sign up and get it mailed to you every month.  I know of a few places that you can buy the kit outright without signing up.  The store Bed Bath and Beyond carries it, but I always have a hard time finding it in my color.  
Yay!!  I found this kit at a stand in the mall!!  It was $40.00---so worth it because you get many extras.
 You get two mineral powder foundations, two concealers, the circle color palette, face primer, and mascara (see picture above).

This set also came in a beautiful black train case.  All of the tools you need to get started are included--All the brushes, sponges, etc...
A really informative guide book and DVD comes too!!

This picture on the box provides the perfect visual guide to get you started.

I love this make-up because it is light weight.  The concealer is amazing!!  If you like mineral make-up you should try this product.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I need a life

This is what I do for
 I put my face in different backgrounds and scenes.
 It is SUPER easy
 And FUN!!  (The website is  Go there and try it out for yourself.  It is super fun and addictive.